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October 5 2008

Scary SEO – Go Dave!

Written by / Posted in seo / 2 Comments

October 24th and 25th will be Scary SEO in Florida. It is near Halloween, so hence the “Scary” part!

scary seo dave

I am proud and impressed with Dave Snyder for dong this.

Putting on an event like this requires a huge burst of confidence, because you never know if anyone is going to sign up! And whether they do or don’t you have committed to a bunch of money and time.

It sounds like it is going to be a very casual, small event focused on SEO.

My good buddy Pamelund, is going to make her public speaking debut there. I predict that a lot of people will be shocked at how incredibly deep her knowledge goes in SEO. Most people would have no idea that she spent years managing over a 100 people building and SEO’ing websites. She is mostly known for, “Wow, she’s hot!”, and then about 2 hours later the person is writing notes and asking her questions. I expect when she speaks most of the “guys” in the audience will quietly say to themselves, “wow she’s hot”. So tip to Pam, don’t say anything of significance until about 1 minute into your talk because they will still be checking you out.

If you knew Dave’s backstory, he has faced obstacles as big as the ones myself and Shoemoney have. I will let him tell his own story though.

There are a bunch of good people signed up for the event, it’s in Florida, and it definitely is not your typical SEO event.

It only costs $200 to attend.

Unless my math totally tanks it looks like they have room for about 10 more people.

Good job Dave! Rock on! And have a scary time!

  1. SnowBall said on July 15th, 2010 at 9:18 pm

    I love Halloween based events. This sounds fun. I wonder if there is SEO trick or treating. Looks like your fun-based events are catching on!

  2. […] Brandy Eddings Scary SEO and How your Consumer Really Feels About Your Advertising – Mary McKnight Scary SEO – Go Dave! – dk – […]

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