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July 22 2009

The Greatest SEO

Written by / Posted in pubcon poker tournament / 4 Comments

I do whitehat SEO through and through. I am a huge Matt Cutts fan (cuttlet) and have made a ton of money off of the graciousness of Google for sending me lots of very high quality traffic.

From the beginning Matt has said, develop good content, don’t even worry about the SEO too much, and google will reward you.

Lately I have had my eye on the term facebook advertising in google, and my site has been doing O.K. at it.

I totally cracked up today when I looked and saw that Shoemoney had taken the spot right after facebook themselves for a ton of matches.

If you read my blog I am sure you are aware of shoe and the fact that he really truly writes for the readers and not for the search engines.

I think the next two pics below tell the story.

Hope you laugh as hard as I did 😉

shoemoney seo

the greatest seo of all

the greatest seo of all

By the way, Google says there were 282 million matches on this one 😉

  1. Corey said on July 23rd, 2009 at 10:49 am

    I heard Shoe got a lot of response from when he wore that shirt. As a Shoemoney reader myself, his posts are great and he gives a ton of valuable information and content.

  2. Jake Rocheleau said on July 23rd, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    Very interesting read, SEO is such a huge topic nowadays.

  3. Iman Jalali said on July 29th, 2009 at 1:56 pm

    What’s funny is I get a different set of listings and shoemoney’s page isn’t even on the first page, but your post from March is the 8th listing

  4. SnowBall said on July 17th, 2010 at 12:03 am

    Hahaha love the shirt, and the look on the guy’s face standing next to him. A mix of amusement and confusion. That’s funny that he made that shirt, very creative. Kind of bad ass.

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