BOTW the fertile grounds for growing internet marketers

Not an actual dinasour, but an actual turtle-rex taken from George Avery of GetAds creek.
The Best of The Web, BOTW, boys have kicked in big time for our beloved poker tournament. They did this before the exact set up has been determined, and before we have figured out whether it will be a charity tournament or a non charity tournament.
Greg Hartnet loves this tournament, and the tournament loves Greg.
The BOTW crew are true dinasours of the internet world, since they have been around since 1994.
Their company, and the culture around it has served as fertile grounds for many of the leaders in this field to find their roots and grow. When I first started going to the conferences, it was told to me by many people to just hang out at the BOTW booth. You will never find any pretentiousness there, and nobody is ever an outsider. Just throw on one of their famous t-shirts, and you are instantly part of the family.
If I set up any new site of any importance to me, to this day, I always submit my site to their directory, which is the original internet directory. If your site is quality, they will most likely accept you. If you get accepted, then you get a quality link, that is very relevant, and on topic, and good page rank.
For those of you who don’t remember, before search engines this is how you found stuff on the internet. I still have a lot of faith in hand reviewed directories, and expect a resurgence of them in the future. I don’t think a computer can ever determine quality and relevance the way a human can. Their newer blog directory rocks and is a great place to get links and awareness started for your blog.
I am grateful to Greg, Brian Prince and the crew there because from the first moment I announced doing an event, the first poker tournament, they immediately jumped in and offered whatever help, finance or otherwise I needed. They let me come to their parties, even before anyone thought I was cool, and are an incredibly tight, yet welcoming group of people.
Thank you again guys for making the first poker tournament possible, and during such a tight year for so many people, being so quick to step up and throw down to make sure the event we all love so much takes place!
You have so many nice and giving friends! And it looks like they are all accepting of everyone, gotta love people like that. And as for the “dinosaur”, is that a snapping turtle? I found one of those guys in a creek when I was younger in Minnesota. They are HEAVY.