More Seats Opening For Poker and Health Converter Sponsoring
Health converter stepped up today to become a sponsor for the Purpose Inc. Poker Tourney during Affiliate Summit.
Thank you so much Health Converter!
They also are having a killer party
Health converter is going to have a pimp ass party during
Affiliate Summit. Here is the Health Converter Party invite for Purpose Inc fans.
Tonight at 8:00 P.M. the last 20 seats go on sale for the Texas Holdem tournament.
Here is the deal.
The first day of play is Saturday, starting at 8:00 p.m.
The last 10 players alive on Saturday, will be back,
Sunday around 11:00 p.m. for the championship finals.
The second day of play is Sunday, starting at 8:00 p.m.
If you make the final 10 players, you go on to the finals,
Sunday at around 11:00 p.m.
$100 buy in.
Yes you can sign up for both nights, but if you are in the final 10
on Saturday, you don’t get to play on Sunday, and lose your money.
I will send out an email tonight around 8:00 pacific time when
we open registration.
Game will be at Mirage hotel.
We also still have room for another sponsor if you let me know asap.
If you want to see more silliness and details about the tourney, go here.
Much Love,
Cheers for Health Converter! I understand poker but it’s not my kind of game so thanks for the invite but I’ll pass up this time. 😀 Hope everyone felt like a winner after the tourney.