Twitter Can fight Oppression
You may be able to help thousands or more people in Iran to twitter what is going on with their protests using free speech.
Change your twitter time and city to Tehran to protect the identity of Iranians protesting their government.
The short story is that last week in Iran there was a presidential election that was apparently very close.
There is now apparently a large amount of censorship going on in Iran of phones and internet.
Twitter in Iran is one of the few ways of getting info out.
The twittersphere is saying, that if you change your city to Tehran, and your timezone to Tehran, then you can help mask the identity of those twittering out their reports of what is going on.
If you want to follow along, watch this page for a while. #IranElection
The old government who has been in power is what you would expect from Iran recently.
The new presidential candidate, that these protestors support, is in favor of things like freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
If you want to help, change your twitter city to tehran, and your twitter location to tehran. If you want to help even more, then tweet about this.
Iran is very possibly the most powerful country in the middle east. The direction that things go there over the next week may have a very powerful effect on our daily lives in terms of our own personal and national security in the rest of the world.
Time to be a citizen of the world my friends!
Signing off, dk the jew, who is persian for the week. 🙂
A Major Award
A few weeks ago I spent the better part of two days with a gentleman who is one of the most powerful people on Digg talking about future business opportunity. I have also been meeting recently with a company who has just started doing millions of dollars in revenue per month. One of the largest affiliate companies in the world, is including my events as part of their budget next year. I also just set up an event for the Elite Retreat which will be one of the biggest interfaces between internet marketers and a huge online company this year.
But none of this meant anything to me until I won the Streko award.
Early last week I recieved a red velvet envelope, with an invitation inside. A man in a simple blue suit arrived in a limosuine and handed it to me personally. It was an invitation to the most respected and talked about event in the interent business world, the Streko awards. The man in the suit whispered that I was in contention for the presegious top 20 list.
When I attended the awards all the usuals one would expect were there. What impressed us all the most, was when Mr. Streko arrived, walking with a slight limp and a cane (recovering from a recent hunting accident in Borneo), he walked slowly onto the stage, looked into the auidience and cried. He then lead the audience on a 2 hour journey of his love for humanity, his personal quest for human rights, and his passion for saving the Borneo rainforest.
What held our attention so much was not just the amazing stories he wove so full of passion and hope for the future, but mostly the delicate and articulate language he uses. I looked to my left at Sugar Rae, who tilted her glass of champagne, a tear in her eye, and said simply, “hear! hear!”
Shoemoney and Aaron Chronister both utterred a chuckle when they met in the lobby, Jeremy wearing his new all white long coat with tails, white pants and whit top hat, and Aaron in his usual all black coat and tails, with his black top hat, one the negative of the other.
I kept my acceptance speech to a minimum to show respect to all of those who have helped me and supported me so much.
The evening ended with Pamela Lund singing Frank Sinatra’s I Get a Kick Out Of You, to a standing ovation.
As anyone who has won an Oscar, the Nobel Prize, or a Streko can tell you that it comes with a curse. It is a celebration of a lifetimes achievement. An honor so high that the only direction one can go is down.

Shoemoney campaigning for a possible place on the Streko top 20
So, I have enjoyed my moment at the top, and will now enjoy the plummet from grace accompanied by all of those who will hate me as a result of my award. As I grow old, no one will be able to rob me of the moment that Michael gave me by awarding me the P.W.D.S.
Thank you!