Odesk finance security hole
I am really hoping someone is going to correct me on this post. I have been studying Odesk lately, and been putting together a bullet proof financial situation for Purpose Inc., as we start to expand at a good steady pace.
There is a massive upside to hiring contractors on odesk, but at a certain size, you can no longer manage them yourself, you need to bring on other managers.
The problem we are running into on Odesk is a bit of a security hole.
Hopefully by publishing this, and making it public, either someone is going to immediately point out a flaw in what I am saying, or Odesk will be pressured into putting in some controls that will handle this.
Let’s say you have ramped up to where you have 8 or 10 Odesk contractors busily working away for you or your company. You decide that there is just no way you can manage them all yourself, so it is time to bring on a manager to work under you.
You have a few options.
1. You have the manager set up their own Odesk account, and hire, fire and manage the contractors in this managers account. The downside to this, is what happens to the contractor if they run up a $10,000 payroll bill for the week, and you the owner of the company don’t pay. The manager is then on the hook for the money. I think the assumed position is that if Odesk can’t get the money from you, then Odesk is just going to have to pay themselves, and will never get you. If you are a real company as we are, Odesk would simply ask us for the money, and we would pay them. The manager you hire, who is making $30k a year, will probably not be comfortable, running up a $10k per week payroll debt.
2. The other option is that you give your login info to your manager and they hire, fire and pay, from within your Odesk account. There is a huge downside to this which I did not think of until last week. What if your manager decides for whatever reason on their own, that they deserve more money. They can then take a friend or family member and hire them. Then they can pay that person say, $1,000 per hour. The person can then do real work for 40 hours that week. At the end of the week, they are then rightfully and legally owed $40,000. Even if you fired the manager, as far as I can tell, you would still be legally responsible to pay the $40,000 to their niece.
What am I missing here?
If I am correct, then there is a very simple fix Odesk can make to this.
1. They could offer more options on what rights you give each user. For instance I could approve my hiring manager to hire anyone they wanted, up to a total of 10 people, and that each one could be paid no more than 45 hours per week, at $20 per hour.
2. The account could simply have a limit set, that if the payroll owed goes over $5k, then the entire account shuts down until the owner personally logs on, and approves a higher weekly spend for the week.
There are a bunch of ways Odesk could set this up.
One hack that we did figure out, handles things up to a certain point of expansion and then will break down.
American Express currently offers free insurance on employee cards against theft. I called them and their claims adjuster told me that this covers employees and independent contractors. Bottom line, from what I understand, you need a written employee purchase approval system, you have 75 days after the fraud to report it, and you must fire or get rid of the employee. If you do all of those things, Amex says they will cover up to $100k in losses.
Since we only have extremely honest people working with us, the above should be more than sufficient.
I still with Odesk simply just gave us more controls on spending limits and responsibilities.
Feels Good When a Good Stock Does Good
I am a strong believer in market forces. No matter what political opinion you have, the market corrects everything. It is all based on the fact that if there is more of something, we consider it less valuable, and it sells for less. If there is very little of it, and we want it, then it goes up in value. Facebook ads are a perfect example of this, as we all bid each other up and down on the little postage size section of screen on Dutch women between the ages of 40 and 45 who are interested in travel.
5 years ago I bought a little floor cleaning robot called Scooba that rocked my world. The more I studied the company, the bitchener it seemed. They made fricken robots! And they did real stuff like clean your floor or clean the pool. They also made ones that went out and blew up the homemade bombs, I.E.D.’s which is wicked cool to blow up with a robot instead of a Marine’s foot, or worse yet, some little Iraqui kids foot.
As I checked more on this company it turns out they have been cash positive profitable year after year. They took all of their profit and invested it in research, and built better shit. Nice, my kind of company. They make robots, that do valuable stuff, and reinvest their profit in making the products better.
I was sure as the war drug on that their stock would go up, but no, just sat there.
Today it fricken skyrocketed. It went up something like 10% just today, 25% year to date etc. etc.
Eventually real stuff goes up in value to its real value.
Another thing is markets go up and down and up and down.
Time to go back to finding foreclosures to buy đ
(all of the above is my ideas only, not truth, and yes of course I own I-robot stock, duh.)
Legal Insights into Penny Auctions
There is always some hot item in the internet world. Recently it was Acai, and now it is Penny Auctions.
When a friend of mine first put one up and I saw it, it felt like I was gambling. When I asked about it, he assured me that they were totally legal.
One of my good friends asked his attorney to write us an article about them.
I hope you find his opinion insightful. It is totally the attorneys opinion and not mine.
Legal Aspects of Penny Auctions
Penny auction websites are popping up by the dozen. Is it safe to get in on the action, or are these âentertainment shoppingâ sites too risky for owners and bidders alike? Here is an overview of penny auction sites and their standing under various state and federal laws.
Mixed Messages: Credit Card Processors and the BBB
The penny auction (PA) business is raising eyebrows. Some people regard penny auction sites as gambling havens that will inevitably be shut down. In fact, PayPal is denying service to certain penny auction sites, perhaps overzealously protecting themselves from charges of violating the 2006 Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. Other merchant card processors, such as Authorize.net, may also be getting cold feet as the penny auction action heats up.
At the same time, itâs not unheard of for a penny auction site to earn the Better Business Bureauâs seal of approval, and merchant processors such as FirstData and Amazon Check Out have provided solid service for a number of penny auction business owners. Processors that consider a PA site to be high-risk can protect themselves from excessive chargebacks by requiring a security deposit or having the site owner keep a rolling reserve of about 10%.
Most of the online penny auction establishments seem to operate by the letter of the law and will find ways to stay in service. Securing written permission from a credit card processor, even before the website is launched, can be a proactive way of ensuring that service is not denied.
Are Penny Auctions Legal? States Weigh In
Do penny auction websites really constitute online gambling? While state laws are murky, the penny auction sites seem to be in the clear. PAs are operating out of California, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, and a number of other states.
As of 2010, online gambling has been expressly legalized in New Jersey. In other U.S. states, gambling has not necessarily been legalized, but that probably doesnât even matter when penny auctions are concerned. That’s because they don’t count as gambling; they just don’t involve enough chance.
In California and most other states, a game is considered a game of chance if itâs âdominated by chance.â Being dominated by chance is different from being determined entirely by chance, and that helps to bolster the argument that the websites are legal under state law. After all, people do not bid randomly on auction items; they bid strategically. The process isnât comparable to blindly pulling a slot machine lever or participating in a random jackpot drawing.
Another type of relevant state law concerns the penny auction bids. Since these go to the website and not to the other bidders, they are not technically part of a bet. This protects users from being charged with illegal gambling. Of course, if a website were operated unethically, it could draw more bids out of participants. This could be achieved by populating the site with bots or having an employee use phony accounts.
Penny Auctions and Federal Law
Penny auctions are relatively new to the United States, and they havenât been outlawed under federal law. Gambling is not expressly prohibited online either, although a 2006 law, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, prohibits banks from transferring funds to gambling websites. Thus, if penny auctions do become declared a form of gambling, the websites may have trouble routing funds from usersâ financial institutions.
The Federal Trade Commission and other branches of the federal government are presently concerned only with fraudulent penny auction websites. They have responded to several reports of unethical websites that deceive customers with shill bids.
The Jury Is Out
Although the auction sites remain legal for now, their opponents remain in an uproar. What can opponents say? They argue that users pay a fee but receive nothing of value. Thatâs why penny auction sites are now touting themselves as a form of âentertainment shoppingâ: with each bidding right purchased, they would say, the user also gets a bit of a thrill.
As more disgruntled users file complaints, the new auction business model is likely to catch the eyes of legislators. In addition, many well known industry players have already gotten in on the actionâŚspecifically those who were tied to the âAcaiâ berry fiasco that prompted the FTC Guidelines in 2009. Still, PA site owners who follow the law, keep a tidy paper trail, and treat their bidders properly should have clear skies ahead. Meanwhile, potential consumers should carefully research a penny auction siteâs reputation and its terms before deciding to get in on the action.
The Kelly Law Firm, L.L.C.
13430 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 106
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
Licensed in Arizona and Michigan
The Expiration Of the Long Sales Letter
Guest Post By Justin Goff, buddy, and fitness affiliate genius!
(Full Disclosure – I didn’t get nuttin for posting this!)
Long, ugly sales letters are about to be dead…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last year, you’ve probably noticed the traditional long sales letter is slowly being replaced by video (especially in the information product business).
However, the “hot” new videos that are raking in mountains of cash aren’t just any old videos. It’s a specific kind of video.
Enter the powerpoint video with voiceover.
112% Conversion Increase
I first tested this video out for our new lose belly fat product (see the video we use at
31DayFatLossCure.com/Abs) and we saw a 112% conversion increase over the long sales letter.
The video and the sales letter had the EXACT same copy, yet the video outpulled the sales letter by 112%.
Now the real beauty of this is that it’s really damn easy to put these kinds of videos together.
Unlike writing a long sales letter you really don’t have to be a good copywriter to pull this off. It certainly helps, and you need to know the principles of selling but it’s not as much of an “essential” as it is with a sales letter.
How You Can Pull In Buckets Of Cash With A Video Like This
– Affiliate Offers
This is something I would definitely split test if I was pushing people to a landing page before I sent them to an offer (CPA or Clickbank). If you made a video talking about the product and your experiences I almost GUARANTEE you it would pull better than a text landing page or a fake blog with the same information.
– Direct Link
The beauty of a sales video like this is you can direct link to it without anyone thinking you are trying to sell anything. Because the way we have it setup now, the “Add To Cart” button does not pop up until the end of the video when we pitch them the product.
So if people just show up at the video they aren’t scared off by the threat of being sold something…
Think about all the places you could direct link to this and make some money…
– Forums
– Yahoo Answers
– Blog Comments
– Article Sites Like Squidoo, Ezine Articles
You could easily make $2,000-$5,000 a month just direct linking to this video from sites like Yahoo Answers and Niche Forums…
Now if you want to do your own affiliate offers and try to use this strategy, then here’s how you make the video…
How To Make Your Own Cash Pulling Powerpoint Video
Here’s how we made our video…
1. First write out a script for the video in Word.
2. Then turn those into small slides using either Powerpoint or Google Docs.
3. Get a program like Screenflow or Camtasia and set up the recording area to the size of your slides.
4. Simply read through the slides and record your voiceover and the screen with one of the programs above…
5. You’re going to mess up, so try to do 3-5 slides at a time. Simply edit them all together at the end to complete the video.
That’s all there really is to it.
These kind of videos not only work great for direct linking type stuff, but we’re seeing a lot of success with Facebook Ads and media buys.
If you have any questions about using these videos in your business, feel free to leave me a comment and I’ll drop in to help
– Justin Goff
P.S. – If you’re interested in promoting our product, we’re on Clickbank, so just check out our affiliate page for more info. I personally work with & coach our affiliates, so hit me up if you have any questions.
Make Money Online, No Seriously
Every field I have entered, within a short time I have been at or near the top of that field. This is not an exaggeration, but simply a statement of fact. This goes for everything from skateboarding, to surfing, life-guarding, dating hot girls (back in the day), skimboarding, being a chiropractor, training chiropractors, SEO, Holding Internet Conferences, and now working my way up in the internet business world and helping to establish the viability of Facebook advertising for real advertisers selling quality products, and not doing too bad for the amount of time I have been on the field.
The above is not an attempt to impress you, or to give myself confidence, but simply a statement of what has happened so you will understand where I am from, and where this blog is going.
Each field I have entered, I quickly scanned the scene to find the expert in the field. Not surprisingly this guy has often been a bit controversial. The list includes a group of guys who did not compromise, were brilliant in their fields, and literally created and shaped their industries.
In skateboarding it was a guy named Steve Ruffing, not someone you will read about in the history books, but a guy who was decades ahead of everyone else. In skimboarding it was Connaly Ware. In lifeguarding it was Mark Williams (rest well my friend out in the ocean you loved) and Scott Mc Clung. Being a chiropractor it was Dr. David Singer who literally brought this whole natural health care lifestyle to the masses, in SEO of course Matt Cutts, at Facebook it was the guys who run the show at Facebook, and then the internet entrepreneurs.
When I started studying about internet marketing and business, and how to make money online, there was this one mythical figure that kept popping up. Some people loved him. Some people hated him. He was definitely not afraid to stir up a little controversy. I went on a campaign to get to know him, and learn from him.
One famous day about a year and a half ago, I sat in a very humble coffee shop at the Stratosphere hotel, when there were no conferences in Vegas that day, and listened to this Shoemoney character for about 3 hours.

shoemoney 1 week before release of shoemoney tools 52nd floor palms hotel hefner suite
During this talk he laid it all out. He explained how the money was being made. He explained the sneaky ways, the honest ways, and what was really behind the who’s and the why’s. This previously complex field became clearer and clearer the more he talked. There was no way I could have taken notes, as there was just too much data. The guy was like an encyclopedia. At that moment a few things happened.
First I realized for sure, no question this was the guy. He was the real deal. This was the one. He had his finger on the pulse of an entire industry, and smell flowers from the pucky so fast I could barely keep up.
The other thing that happened, was that in the sea of infinite complexity of the internet I started to see the patterns. It was that moment at the end of the Matrix where Neo starts to see the code behind the illusion, and not just the pictures.
After that moment, it has all become a lot easier. A lot easier! I have met guys who have been playing online 5 times as long as I have who don’t get it. When I hear a new business idea, I can see how it fits in with the whole industry.
I’ve also noticed Shoe intimidates the hell out of most people. Guys come up to me regularly and ask me to introduce them to Shoe, or ask me questions about him, often when he is standing 10 feet away.
So why am I going over all of this? Well number one it is a good blueprint on how to become a success.
More urgently though, Shoe is now taking on 500 students through his new system.
I have insight on this system, because I am one of the speakers on it. Didn’t get a cent for it but I owe him so much I would do anything for the guy.
You now have the chance to do what I did. You have the chance to spend time with him. Every week, multiple times, while he guides you step by step on how to make money online.
This is not a get rich quick scheme. They don’t work consistently. What this is, is a chance to have access and insight to Jeremy Schoemaker, Shoemoney, and his inside group, where you can learn how to make money online just like I am. Maybe not get rich over night, but learn the fundamentals to build a solid online business, and know enough to become a real player in the field.
Check out how to make money through the Shoemoney system, then come back and let me know what you think.
America – and that means you! – Let’s do this thing!
Last week I had dinner with Michael Jenkins of Market Leverage, Chris Hedgecock a super star programmer, designer and marketer and about 20 other folks including Shoemoney at Switch, a new 5 star restaurant at Encore in Vegas.
When Michael, Chris and myself got up after finishing dinner, we looked at our watches and saw that 5 1/2 hours had passed.
We covered a lot of ground, and Chris schooled me good.
First we discussed business and travel. Michael told us the stories of climbing Kilimanjaro in Africa this year and also about another 23 thousand foot peak in Argentina. Michael proudly announced a new technology they are using on their site whereby you click what appears to be a regular link in green, and up pops a video that teaches you about that subject. In a way it what hyperlinks were originally designed for. You can see these “Green Links” now on the Market Leverage site. I will get to why I bring this up in a sec.
So I grew up in a very middle class family, but went to schools in areas with lots of gangs, drugs, massively mixed races, like a salad, and definitely was not in a family that was connected to politics. As a result of this I have been of the mindset of jumping up and down and screaming about global injustices, but never really have been able to do anything about it.
Chris on the other hand comes from a family where he got to meet a lot of the biggest politicians in the world, and a family where if they disagree, they do something about what is going on.
So I was telling the story of how I sat in a little diner in Lake Shasta eating breakfast a few years ago reading the San Francisco Chronicle’s story about how the U.S. was now torturing prisoners of war. I got really sad. I told Chris and Michael about how at that moment I lost my pride in being an American. Chris was on me immediately and told me how sad that made him.
Chris in his own way, and with his own words shifted my mindset to allow me to realize what a wimp I was being, and that something could be done about it. Wow. That’s right, we are a democracy, we can as individuals and collectively make change. Wow. Thanks so much for that Chris.
With my mindset changed, what then ensued was a discussion amongst the three of us about the constitution, the founding fathers, what could be done for the good with all this internet money, and the time and hours flew like feathers in the wind.
I have a good sense who reads this blog. You guys influence the minds of billions of people collectively through what we do online. This is it. This is the moment for our country. We are the guys who can change it. And that means you!
We have a new slate opening up tomorrow. A reset button, to power down and boot up again. It’s an American Defrag, Virus Scan, and reboot all taking place.
What is a recession? It is simply not enough production and commerce taking place right? What caused it? Overvalued homes? B.S.
It was beat up, demoralized Americans. It was Americans who as individuals feel responsible for losing at the global superbowl. One way or another a bunch of us got killed on 9-11. More of us have gotten killed in Iraq, and we have as a nation killed in Iraq. I am part of the responsibility of all of it.
I am an American.
Sick of it? Ready to do something? Ready to make a change?
How bad is the stock market anyway, one of the major factors looked at in evaluating the economy. The S and P 500 where most of my money has dropped back to 03 levels. Big deal. The stock market has always gone up and down and always will. But lets not sit at 03 levels any longer.
So how do we get out of this? I’m not talking a trick. I’m not talking about printing a bunch more monopoly money, or trying to feed a village with a stone. I’m talking that old Clint Eastwood, John Wayne Cowboy way. Where the town get’s together as a group and kicks some ass.
It’s time to stop trying to outsmart the next guy and and time to stop takeing without giving. What each of us needs to do is make enough loaves of bread, cars, homes, computers and whatever is needed, so that there is plenty to go around. If there is plenty made, then everyone can afford one, they buy, the money flows and the economy fixes itself.
I am sure Obama is going to do his best with social welfare programs and seeded money to try to jumstart the economy. But we can do it. We are America. We are Obama whether you voted for him or not. You and I know how to influence minds. We know how to sell.
We can get America to get off the couch tune out, and turn on! their computer and get to work.
We can sell, so why not sell success, hard work, the U.S. constitution, and good values to work hard and work ourselves out of this mess. Think Will Smith and friends at the end of Independence day.
If we work hard, produce our tails off, and market the heck out of our production the country could turn around in weeks with the stock market soaring!
So for me this is time. We have a clean slate, with no excuses. If we can elect a president, who of all things is Hawaiian, our country is capable of anything đ
So with no bullshit, and no rah no rah rah, would you be willing to help me and our new leaders get the show on the road? Blog about it, yell about it, twitter about it.
Are you ready again to be proud of your country, and proud to be an American?
Let’s do this thing! Let’s work hard and proud! Let’s go to sleep exhausted after working so hard all day. Let’s encourage the masses to do the same. Let’s be fair, and honest, and true to our own ideals.
That will solve it.
And if you wonder what I am trying to sell you?
Your future.
So if you give even half a rats ass about me I would like you to help.
I want you to blog about it.
I want you to write a blog so far out of your comfort zone it makes your chest thump and your stomach ache when you hit the publish button.
I want you to ask all of your readers whether they are a dozen or a million to work harder, be true to their ideals, and to tell their boss or themselves, I know the work day is done, but I am going to work a little harder and a little later to get the job done.
Could you blog about that for me? In your own words? With your own ideals?
Let me know when you do, and I will love you even more for it.
Peace and prosperity!
A hidden force
In the internet marketing world those you see on the front lines are not always the ones with the power.
Many of us are a lot of fluff, waving our arms up an down to get others to look in our direction, while we rely on the brains and experience of hidden advisors.
I have many of the best advisors around, guys that have quickly helped me to become well read, and shockingly known in the internet marketing world. In fact I am better known than some of my advisors.
One of these guys is not someone you will hear speaking at the conferences. See he doesn’t need to get himself better known, or to pick up clients because he has already “made it”.
I met Andy Liu at the Elite Retreat. Shoemoney told me that he was one of the lessor known speakers, but that he was a genius in start ups, and Venture Capital. He is also a techy programmer guy originally.
Andy also is incredibly positive, straight forward and willing to help.
I now consider him an advisor and friend.
If you end up having the guts to contact him and ask him questions, I predict you will find him amazingly accessable compared to a lot of the superstars in the internet world.
Andy has now started blogging, giving everyone a little bit more access to what he is up to.
Andy is the founder of Buddy TV which according to Alexa gets half the number of views of abc.com or cbs.com.
Check out Andy’s blog on start ups and see what tips you can pick up. My advice is to ask your questions too, before the blog becomes so busy that your voice will get lost in the crowd.
Million Dollar Idea! Send Brownies
Over the past 6 months I have run into this really nice guy by the name of Scott Skinger.
First he was in the poker tournament. Here he is seated between Dan Perry, the guy who won, and some other bald guy wearing sun glasses. He blogs on mountany stuff and also has a site that does computer stuff video training.
Then I ran into him again at the Elite Retreat.
Scott is the one with the red arrow pointing toward his head.
By the way, that was one heck of a dinner with one heck of a group of people. The amount of brilliance at the table that night was amazing.
So anyways, Scott is this really nice guy who I keep bumping into. There are many people like this we all meet. Great guy, but I can’t remember exactly what he does. You remember he is polite, considerate, warm, which are all the basics, but it is not enough to really seal the deal in business.
So what does it take?
It takes Brownies!!
Yesterday I am at my chiropractic office. Usually my chiropractic office and my Internet businesses do not intersect very often. But I am standing at work, right after treating a patient, and one of my staff walks over and goes “Who is Scott Skinger”?? I think for a moment, Scott? Scott? Oh yeh! They nice guy from the poker tournament and the Elite Retreat.
I ask her why?
She says, he sent you brownies!
My ears perk up, and curiosity sets in.
Sitting in front of me is a box of brownies. They had a nice personal note with them thanking me for having dinner with him, and how nice it was to meet me and my wife.
There is no sales pitch in the note. No asking for anything. In fact I had to Google Scott to even see what his sites were.
So my wife and I have eaten two of the brownies, and the rest are in the freezer to be consumed slowly over time.
Scott got my attention. I already knew and liked him, but now with the brownies I will never forget him for the rest of my life.
As a result of Scott being a great guy and getting my attention he got this article written about him.
So what is the lesson in this. Do something nice. Send someone some fricken brownies for gosh sake, knit them a hat, especially someone with a blog, and see what happens? Just ask yourself, unless you are Jeremy, who gets more free crap than anyone else in the universe , how often does someone send you a nice thank you?
You can’t pay for links or you will get busted by Google right? But no one can ever stop you from being nice. All of the cool links I have ever gotten were simply by doing nice stuff for people. I have had cartoons drawn of people, had a poker tournament, brought burritos and chiropractic to firefighters etc. etc. Just do nice stuff for people with websites, and see what happens!
Million Bucks or Nothing Idea – Make Money Online! HA!
This post comes after much discussion with myself!
On a weekly basis or so, I come up with an idea that to me is such a great idea that I am sure if I fully developed it, it would have the ability to make a million bucks, or at least waste a few months of my time and crank out enough money for Sushi for 10 people.
After watching one of my Internet hero’s up close, and seeing that he appears to experiment quite a bit, but only take on one really huge project per year, and also watching how long it takes me to fully implement a good idea (The above graphic took me around 4 hours), I realized I don’t stand a rats chance in hell to get even 10 percent of these ideas done.
So the deal is from now on I will hang on to one or two of the best ideas of the year, and the other ones are going to be fessed up on this site. I will start my million dollar ideas with the above graphic.
If you happen to implement one of them, then keep me posted that you are going to try it, and keep me posted on how it goes. If you feel really generous, then if it flies you can always paypal me a percentage. The ideas though are totally open source, steal em, change em, run with them! You are on your own, no promises, no guarantees, you will probably crash and burn and fail in flames, but then again who knows?
So here is the first Million Dollar Idea. It is about the many blogs on Make Money Online!
If you read the blogs, many of them say the same thing which is write about making money online and post ads where your readers can click and sign up to host the same ads on their site. Each time they click on the ad you make some money. A dollar here, a quarter there and it can add up! The person who clicked on your ad can then put the same ad on their site, and when someone wants to learn how to make money online, they can click that ad, and then they make a buck, and you might make a few cents yourself.
For this to work, one needs to have thousands of readers for it to ad up to anything appreciable. I have actually been shocked when I see what some of these sites sell for when someone gets rid of them. The prices seem so shockingly low compared to the readership, and the amount of time put into making the site that it often shocks me.
Do something on your site! Actually sell a real thing, or a real service, or a sell a real thing or a real service for someone else.
My main site, bodyabcs.com has made money since the day I set it up. It is not because people click on ads, it is because we actually have a really cool product and we use the site to tell people about it. People want to buy real stuff, like orchids or Harley’s.
Google’s Matt Cutts has repeated to me over and over every time I have heard him, and repeats to everyone else that you should have quality useful content for your users such as this post of Matts on the parts of URL’s.
In an earlier post I wrote about how in an hour we got a local Pizza place to rank number one for their major keyword which will make Kevin many thousands of dollars a year, if not every month, more than he would have without it.
Find a really cool thing that you believe in, and that is something as opposed to just the concept of making money online, and develop it. Develop a site on something like pizza, or rabbits feet, or poppy seeds, and there will end up being real value to some of the billion or so people online.
Not creative enough to come up with a real thing that people will want?
Then just stick around I will be sharing my ideas here from now on.
By the way, I have set up dozens of businesses over the last few decades, some of them turned out better and others worse, but every one made at least a little profit, some of them with a handful of zeros.
So stick around here, and I will share my ideas. Use them at your own risk!
Much Love,