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November 6 2007

Here we go… The first ever SEO Poker Tournament and Party!

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I have gotten the approvals from the interested parties about the Party and Poker Tournament and it is on!

girl on playing card for pubcon poker

The exact details will be worked out in the upcoming week or two. There will be a limited number of entries available, so if you are really interested, check back on this blog frequently.

This will be a Poker Tournament for Pubcon attendees with a large portion of the money going to charities, a little going to the casino for hosting and the rest going to the winners.

I will not be getting a dime off of it.

Here is what I know, Brett Tabke said in response to the event, and I quote, “cool”.

I am working on a post Poker Tournament party location that looks over the strip at one of the best restaurants in Vegas.

The Poker Tournament should be at one of the top hotels on the strip, but I need to get the date and time set in stone before I announce that too.

This will be a Poker Tournament and Party for the Pubcon masses. It is especially being held for the guy from Bangladesh who has never been to the U.S. before and knows no one, the guy from Birmingham who just set up his first htacces file, and the girl from Buenos Aires whose parents forbid her to come but she came anyway.

Matt, Danny and even Craig are invited, although if Craig gets flagged too many he will be removed. (I’M JUST KIDDING!)

Mostly I am hoping that having this will attract two luminaries of the search community, Stefan Juhl and Dax.

I want to hear from people the following things;

1. What date and time should the Tournament start?

2. How much should the buy in be? The higher it is the more the payout at the end, but the less people can afford it.

3. What charities should benefit?

Let me know anything you want or don’t want for this event as it will be evolving over the next week or two.

Much Love,


November 5 2007

The Big Event

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Last year I had the pleasure of attending my first Pubcon. I made a lot of new friends, but did not get to meet nearly as many of them as I would have liked to.

There was other chatter on the Internet by other guys new in the ranks who wanted to go to smaller parties during Pubcon where they could rub elbows with each other and make more SEO-SEM-PPC-Developer-Local-Webmaster-Affiliate friends!

So I have been in the works to solve this. An everyone’s event, where it does not matter how much you spent in adwords, or what continent you grew up on. In fact, even Mac people will be invited.

Within a few days I will start going over the specifics of it here.