frank kern
I kind of doubt you need to read Frank’s bio to know who he is.
Frank is one of my superhero’s. He is one of the most brilliant people I have ever met, and also one of the humblest and kindnest.
Frank has had massive success in teaching people how to do internet marketing. What is amazing is that his materials appeal to the absolute beginner, but also have information that I have found massively valuable.
Frank is one of the internet’s truest celebrities, although he does everything he can to avoid it.
He is an incredibly genuine individual, and a great friend.
When I first heard of him, I was talking to Shoemoney who told me that he considered Frank Kern to be an even better marketer than he was. I had never heard Shoemoney say anyone was a better internet marketer than he was, so I was totally taken aback.
I went to Frank’s event that year and was shocked that not only were people treating him with respect as I am used to at large internet events, but were literally treating him more like a movie star.
Frank’s real talent lays in deeply understanding people and what motivates them to make decisions online.
I have had the pleasure of having Frank advise me on a few of my projects online, as well as getting to help him as well.
If you asked me who I would want to spend an hour with if I had a choice, other than my girlfriend I would most likely say Frank.